
Enantiomorphs 山茶花力作,overcomplexification孪生曲目,超现代合成乐风格,让你的手指爽翻天!




曲名 Title: Enantiomorphs
曲速 Speed: 203 bpm
时长 Time: 2分14秒
作者 Editor: 阿峦 Luann (China)

4键 困难 测试信息

评级 Level: Lv10
总音符数Total Keys Amount: 2150
指速 Reaction Demand: ★★★★★
滑键 Slide Demand: ★★★★★
同步 Multi-thread: ★★★★★
换手 Trans-hand skill: ★★★★★
多指 Multi-finger: ★★★★☆
精准 Accuracy Demand: ★★★★★
耐力 Endurance Demand: ★★★★☆


一首由かめりあ(Camellia, 山茶花)制作的曲子,翻译成中文为对映结构体,与“overcomplexification”(过度复杂化)的曲风十分相似,歌名也都是化学专业名词,所以可以猜想为孪生曲目。超多的滑音以及可以称之为变态的切分节奏贯穿全曲,多处激迸爆炸式增强的情感,整曲故事性很强,但本曲只截取了前后两个高能的乐段,只保留了抒情中段与尾端过度的段落,使曲子几乎全程处于高能状态。谱面极大地加强了滑键设计,对布局层次感进行了相当精密的规划,同时在可操作基础上进行了最高难度适配;也照顾了拇指手感,规避了所有可能导致拇指无法操作的键型,让多指与拇指难度尽可能的接近。在曲子情绪表达的顶峰处(1:40-1:41)设计了非常难的“死亡三连滑”,其中第二、第三滑是约3/4秒间隔的横线结尾同轨接打点,非常考验玩家对谱面的记忆以及对滑键的理解。结尾连续的“3:3:2”滑键组合也是一个超难点,虽然主旋律被弱化为与鼓点合为一个倒勾,但组合起来难度依然很强,需要玩家强大的同步协调能力。


The music “Enantiomorphs” is composed by Bemani composer Camellia, and the style is similar to “overcomplexification”, names are all chemical terms, so we can guess they’re twins. There are many sliders throughout the whole music and lots of points of emotions broking out, like a story much, but it’s only intercepted two periods before and after, retained the middle and end of the excessive, made the melody full of excitement almost. Sliders of the Note is strengthened extremely, I go out of my way to arrange layout and optimize layering, at the same time set highest difficulty. Also considering double-finger players, avoided the situation that only Multi-finger players can play normally. On the whole although many places have been weakened, it’s still very very very difficult, in particular need many many many multi-thread ability.

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